Friday, October 16, 2009

Catching up

The last few weeks have flown by. I'm sorry I haven't bogged in such a long time. I'm so tired by the end of the day that I just fall into bed and put off blogging for another day. I have lots of catching up to do! Here's a quick recap.

 We moved!!! We are so happy and so very lucky to have found a great house. We are all moved in and pretty much settled. Photos and pictures still need to be hung and Maddy needs a new bed(her loft bed would not fit), but for the most part we definetly feel at home. The dogs are really happy with our big yard and the cats love roaming around finding new places to sleep and play. Madison has done really well too! I'm so proud of her. She has slept in her new room everynight and hasn't gotten up one time to say she is scared or can't sleep! She's really happy and that has made this move so much easier. I was a total stress case about this whole moving situation but it actually turned out for the better and I could not be happier! I'll post pics soon!

I promise to get back into a better blogging routine soon! Hope everyone is well and enjoying our fall weather!

1 comment:

  1. Good to have you back friend! Even though i know what is going on, I still love to read your blog.

    - Stacy
